PostalPlus for SME

PostalPlus for SME


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eNews – November 2024

New Destination Requiring Mandatory Electronic
Customs Declaration from 7 November 2024

As required by the postal administration of Ireland, senders must submit electronic customs declaration before sending all mail items (including containing documents or goods) to Ireland with effect from 7 November 2024.

The above requirement is already in place for the posting of mail containing goods to Ireland. The required electronic customs information is the same as the current one provided in the paper declaration forms, which includes sender information, addressee information and content information.

As reminded by the concerned postal administration, mail items not providing accurate electronic customs information may be subject to delay, or returned without processing, no postage refund will be entertained. Senders should provide a return address on mail items. Items returned without sender information will be destroyed.

For enquiries, please call the Hongkong Post General Enquiry Hotline at 2921 2222.


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